Symposium 2024:

Educational Programming

Leading the fight for value in your Healthcare Spend

Agenda Highlights:

– 2 Keynote Speakers, Erin Brockovich & Brett Keisel

– 10 Concurrent Sessions focusing on the benefits world

Learn strategies and emerging trends that will protect your bottom line, transform patient care, and shake up the healthcare landscape as we know it.  


Breakfast/Registration: 7:30am

8:10 AM Welcome: Mike Stancil, CEO, PBGH

8:20 AM Opening Keynote Speaker

9 AM Break

9:35 AM Breakout sessions

10:40 AM Breakout sessions

11:40 AM Lunch

1 PM Breakout Sessions

2 PM Break

2:35 PM Closing Keynote Speaker

3:35 PM Prizes

4 PM Reception

Day Concludes: 6PM

Overarching Topics Include:
  • Mental Health
  • Positive Disruption
  • Prevention
  • Hospital Pricing
  • Social Determinants of Health
These sessions will spotlight areas that are high on
the balance sheet and give strategies to protect the
bottom line. 

Attention Attendees:
-SHRM Certification for all Sessions
-CEBS Compliance Credits where appropriate