Find Your Membership
PBGH offers three types of memberships: Employer, Associate, and Individual. Employer membership is for employers that generally are not in the business of offering health-related services. Associate Membership is reserved for organizations that directly participate in health care (e.g., brokerages, insurers, hospitals, providers, and health services organizations).

Employer Membership
Employer members must be an employer in the corporate or social sector, including academia and government, and does not have a principal business objective that provides health care related services or benefits.

Associate Membership
Associate Members include consultants, brokers, vendors, health care organizations, health insurers, health plans, health care providers, and other health care organizations.

Individual Membership
Individual Members must be in the corporate or social sector, including academia and government, and does not have a principal business objective that provides health care related services or benefits. This is a great membership for HR professionals wanting to learn more about the changes and trends in the healthcare industry, including benefits, resources, and legal ramifications.
Our Employer Members
Our Associate Members
Our Allied Members
Get Involved
Becoming a member, signing up as a partner or sponsor, and joining us at an event are all great was to connect with what PBGH is doing in your community!