Wellness programs are intended to generate interest in weight management among people with obesity. Your company may have already used this type of activity, but how successful are these programs? This report answers this important question with results from the ACTION study, which examined barriers and perspectives on obesity.1

Wellness programs alone—without other interventions for obesity—may be insufficient
The ACTION study found that wellness programs have limited success and are perceived unfavorably by employees.1 The study, published in Population Health Management, reported that only 17% of employees with obesity viewed wellness programs as beneficial, compared with 72% of employers.1,a
Many beneficiaries are unaware of their weight-management coverage
The study investigators also reported that, although all companies reported providing coverage for weight management, including prescription weight-loss medications, only 13% of employees with obesity indicated that this benefit was offered by their employer.1 Therefore, there is an opportunity for employers to better communicate their benefits to employees.
The findings of the ACTION study point to the need for a holistic approach to weight management, including lifestyle modifications and medical treatments for obesity.1
For additional information about the value of chronic weight management to your organization and to download resources you can use to help improve, maintain, and monitor health and wellness, please visit Novo Nordisk Works™.
For additional information about the value of chronic weight management to your organization, please contact us at laura.wicker@pbghpa.org or visit PBGH – Education, Advocacy, and Group Purchasing Solutions (pbghpa.org)
Study consisted of a US-based online survey of 3008 adults with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2 based on self-reported height and weight), of which 1478 were employed full-time, part-time, or self-employed, and 153 employer representatives.1
Reference: 1. Jinnett K, Kyle T, Parry T, Stevenin B, Ramasamy A; ACTION Steering Group. Insights into the role of employers supporting obesity management in people with obesity: results of the national ACTION study. Popul Health Manag. 2019;22(4):308-314.
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