Call for Mental Health Innovators

The Pittsburgh Business Group on Health is seeking proposals from innovative mental health benefit providers that can offer exceptional utilization metrics, long-term success metrics, demonstrated employee engagement plan that either integrates with an EAP or provides a more effective alternative. We are looking for a solution that has a clear approach to mitigating health inequity in the mental health space.

Submission Details:

  • Please send your proposals to
  • Submissions are due by Wednesday, November 15th, 2023.
  • After the submission deadline, our Innovations board will review the proposals and select a shortlist of candidates to meet with to further discuss their program.
  • From there, the finalists will be selected to present during our PBGH Member Annual Meeting on December 14th, 2023.
    • View Annual Meeting details HERE.

For full details on the Request For Proposal, view the PDF below.


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